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The following douments were thaken fom Carrol County Court record books and are unedited documents.

Carroll County Tennessee Court Min-utes
January Term 1879
 Wm Auvenshine  et al
G A Auvenshine  et

Pet to Sell Land in the County of Carroll Tenn.
Be it remembered that this day came on this cause to beheard and was heard  before his Honor G.V. Humble Judge of the County Court of Carroll County  Tenn  and  It  appearing  unto  the  Court  that  H C  Brewer  is entitled to a fee for services rendered as Guard-ian Adlitum & Solicitor in this Court It is therefore ordered by the Court that the Clk take proof & report to the pesent term of this Court as of what would be a reasonable compensation for services rendered by him as guardion adlitium  solicitor this cause that the sum be taxed in the bill of cost

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